Monday, October 20, 2008

fin, the end, whatever you wanna call it

i just finished all four of my exams that occured in october. please hold on a minute while i celebrate...............................okay all done. now the only thing left to do in october is to write this english paper. plenty of other cool stuff has occured besides exams being over. recently there was an event called maryland madness, formerly midnight madness; and event which officially marks the beginning of the basketball season. all the teams and the players were introduced in a flashy light show with lots of dancing, cool music, and flaming acrobatics. no kidding i actually mean flaming; the gymkana team vaulted through and in one exception over a blazing ring of fire. it was spectacular. the evening was tipped off by the entrance of gary williams in his under armour-mobile/tank/armored vehicle. he literally drove onto the basketball court in this monstrous car with flashing lights, in a entrance of power. the scrimmages of the mens and womens basketball teams were not too impressive in my opinion as a pretty decent basketball player. im no division one player but im good enough to know when the game is being played correctly or not. hopefully they will pull it together by their first few games, or else my poll on my blog will tip in my favor ( the club bball team will have a higher win percentage than the varsity bball team). okay so i only mentioned one cool thing going on but im getting sleepy. its 12:20. so goodnight

from the top of the world
ersin "ersdaddy" levent

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