Saturday, October 4, 2008

i still got the magic touch

as usual i was home again this weekend. no im not going to publicly complain about the downsides of off campus weekend work. im actually going to talk about my little go practice i had today. since i was not doing homework and i finished my work i decided to go to the driving range at the country club that i belong to. i usually go to the range to practice and work on my swing but today it was simply to see if i could still make contact with the ball. this is something that i usually would never say since im a 1 handicap which is pretty good (im trying to be humble) but since all i have been doing for the last month and a half is lifting, running, and playing basketball. lifting is so bad for golf because golf is a game of precision, touch, and feel, and lifting simply deals with using your muscles to the max. as i began pitching the ball around the club felt like a feather in my hand and i was hitting the ball really poorly. but to my surprise i started striking the ball so purely; i was hitting it long and strait. the club pro, who was actually giving a lesson used me as an example to the person he was teaching. i was so nervous because he didn't know that i hadn't played in a month and a half; the last time he saw me play was when i won the club championship.  but i knew, so i was literally shaking and praying that i would made a good swing. i made a great swing, under the circumstances, and it seemed to satisfy the example that the pro was trying to demonstrate. i only stayed for half an hour because all i was trying to do was to see if i could still play the game, which i could. this made my saturday so awesome in addition to other things i won't mention. 

only a slightly different note club basketball has a game tomorrow (thats sunday october 5th) at 12:30 pm at richie coliseum. any support would be greatly appreciated. 


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