Thursday, December 4, 2008

exams easier than expected

initially i was really worried about my exams this semester. it is my first semester in college, so everything is brand new to me. im still getting used to taking college mid-terms, and getting my time management and study habits down pat. im doing well for now but until i finish a whole year of college, i can't say that i not a lot about how testing happens at the university of maryland. one thing that has eased my stress is the fact that in a couple of classes i am doing so well that i will receive an A in the class regardless of how i score on the final exam. now when i say "regardless of how i score" i don't literally mean i could get a zero and still get an A. i mean that there isn't any pressure to get an A. since i already have an A+ in two classes, getting another A won't help me. I just need to make sure i get something around the 75 range. not that im intentionally trying to do poorly; all im trying to say is that i have some wiggle room when it comes to these exams. i don't have to go out and get an A in order to improve my GPA. i just need to be relatively familiar with the material and i should be fine. the only things that are worrying me are the final english paper. i always worry that i won't meet the required page length, and the rough draft is due soon. once i do a rough draft, im much more relaxed when in comes to editing, peer-editing, and correcting. im also a little concerned about my intro to business class BMGT110. right now i have an 85. the class average is an 82 and the teacher said that he likes the average to be around an 87-88. so he said he will curve the grades. but that puts me right on the line between getting a B or an A, and im not sure where i stand at the moment. this puts a little more pressure on me for the final. i have to get an A to ensure that i get an A on the semester. im also trying to bump up my english grade. i have a C- and a B+ on the first two papers and that puts me between a C and a B. i would be thrilled with a B but it all depends on how my 3rd paper went which i will get back this friday(tomorrow). depending on that ill know where i stand. otherwise im simply going to have to step it up on paper 4. hopefully all goes well, i can smell the christmas season right around the corner. just one final push to get to the finish line.

cya at the finish line

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