Friday, December 12, 2008

The Last Post

sadly folks, this is going to be my final blog post. its that time of year. the first semester is winding down, and today i finished up with my english 101 class. its gonna be weird not having to blog anymore. to be honest, i really don't get that much satisfaction out of it. to me it seemed more like a diary, because i never new what to write about so i just wrote about what was going on in my life. it wasn't that i didn't like it, i just don't really care for it. im just gonna stick to facebook. its a better way to get responses from people. with this blog, i didn't get any responses unless it was assigned. looking forward, im really excited for christmas break and this year its not so much about the presents. i don't really know what i want. i thought about it really hard and i came up with a list of things that i need, mostly for college, such as a new cell phone or some new flip flops. ive gotten over the whole video game stage of my life i think. i used to be able to sit in front of the tv and play all day non-stop. now, i get bored quickly, and never play more than an hour or an hour and a half at most. im more into going to the gym and working out and playing basketball. video games won't take me anywhere, but basketball might. im really looking forward to having the opportunity to work out with the varsity assistant coach next semester with my friend. we are trying to improve our skills and athletic ability in hopes that we can make the varsity basketball team. so rest assured, i will be working out all thru the winter in preparation for my spring semester workouts. aside from that the most important thing to me this christmas is seeing all my friends again from highschool. i have not had the chance to see my best friends for a long time. it'll be a flashback to my highschool days for sure. ill even get a chance to visit some of my new friends from college that live close to me. hopefully exams go as planned so that i may fully enjoy my christmas vacation. i hope that i stay in touch with as many of you as possible, and im sure ill see you around from time to time in the dining halls, the turtle, and what not. take it easy over christmas break. i look forward to seeing you again in the spring!

merry christmas

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