Monday, November 3, 2008

club bball tournament

i already mentioned that last weekend the club basketball team took a trip out to william and mary for a basketball tournament. i thought it was only a three team tournament, but there were more. it was maryland, radford, uva, georgetown, william and mary, and one other team (i don't know the name because their jerseys were plain). so it was a lot more exciting than a had expected. actually i never realized it but william and mary is really close to some golf courses that i played on for vacation a couple times, so i was able to recognize where we were as we got close to the school. anyway, we played two games and we won both. both wins were pretty decisive. in the first game we beat radford by 20+ points, and in the second game we beat georgetown by 10 points. i know a ten point game doesn't sound decisive, but we were leading by 20 points late in the game and our coach pulled the starters, allowing the other team to make a game out of it. personally i played the best two games i have played all season. i scored 16 points and 12 points in the first and second games respectively. i simply wasn't missing many shots, and as i got more confident and excited to be playing, i stopped realizing that i was tired. it was almost like i was running on adrenaline. even though i should have felt really tired, i was enjoying the game so much that i didn't notice, and was able to continue playing 100%. our team was fired up for this tournament. after losing 2 out of the 3 games at princeton, we made sure that we played hard this time around. we didn't want to drive 3 hours back to college park disappointed. all in all, nothing could have made the trip any better. i even got to hang out with a highschool friend, who attends william and mary, in between my games. as of now the club basketball team is 5-2, an legit winning record. we have another tournament coming up next weekend!


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