Sunday, November 23, 2008

this weekend chiiiiillll

this weekend was real chill. thats the best way to describe it. it was chill as in it was cold as hell outside, but it was also chill as in a got my work done early and just took it easy for the rest of the time. on saturday morning i cranked out the rest of my english paper, leaving only the bibliography and other minor aspects remaining for sunday. knowing that sunday would be a breeze, saturday night i went to a frat with a few of my friends. i went 8-0 in bp, finally proving to my friends that i kick ass in bp. im so good because im a good shooter in basketball and the same arm motion translates to bp. of course this was after the florida state game which was a huge waste of time. at least i wasn't cold; i was wearing a shirt, two layers of under armor, a jacket, and then a long sleeve black shirt over my jacket. i also sported some gloves and two layers of pants. i could have been out there all night, but was so disgusted at our performance in the game that i left. today (sunday) i worked out for an hour in the morning before breakfast. then i chilled all day watching football while finishing my bibliography and listening to my music. hopefully after today i will be rested because i literally took today off. its smooth sailing till thanksgiving for me. i just have to print and turn in my paper and then i'll be done.

chill out

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