Thursday, September 25, 2008

hey its been a few days since my last post. but a lot has happened since then. i don't remember if i had already mentioned this so just in case i did, ill keep it brief. i was trying out for the club basketball team and as i already mentioned there were some communication issues, which have been resolved. we have had five practices and i am now officially on the team. out of the 30-40 people who attend practice i was chosen along with 12 others to been on the line up for our first game, which is on october 5th. thats a sunday and the game is at 12 noon at the Richie Colliseum right next to frat row off route across route 1, so if anyone wants to come support us that would be really appreciated since we are not expecting too many fans. 

in other news, i have this ridiculous research paper that i have to do. no its not for english, its actually for my ethnomusicology class, which has to do with music and its cultural context. i thought that this class would be fun and easy but its actually turning into my most demanding course, and im in the business school so its not like the rest of my courses are easy. im researching on the mariachi, which is a very popular traditional mexican genre that involve a lot of upbeat tunes with exciting instruments like the guitars, trumpets, bass drums, and violins. thats about all i know so far and the paper is due next week. thats why im currently in the library about to commence researching for the remainder of my day before my basketball practice at 10. 

and my birthday was this week on wednesday. i just turned 19!!! i didn't go out last night for the simple reason that i still have class and i can't be hungover with all this work and research to do. but im going out friday night which is going to be a lot of fun. and im not working this weekend for a change. im actually celebrating my birthday with my family. it'll be nice to have a home made cake, and i can get my laundry done because im too lazy to do it myself at school. 
anyway thats whats going on in my life at the moment. post something if you know any sources where i can find tons of info on the mariachi.


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