Monday, September 29, 2008


i finally reached the five page minimum requirement on my ethnomusicology class research paper. your probably wondering what the heck is ethnomusicology. well im in the class and i couldn't even tell you. my short answer is MUET220. from what i have experienced it seems to deal with music and its cultural context. we have learned about a lot of weird musical cultures in china, japan, korea, and now india. anyway back to the paper. i had to choose a genre of music that is represented in the united states by a certain ethnic or cultural group within the united states. after some searching i decided to write my paper on the Mariachi (famous mexican/mexican american bands); ill leave it at that because otherwise i'd pretty much be writing my wholepaper over again haha but its not funny. this has been the most annoying project ever. i can't really find too many resources that are academic that give me the info that i want that will allow me to complete this assignment the way that i would like to complete it. so i find myself bs'ing a lot. im sure almost everyone of you knows about that. i know many people depend on this strategy to get through papers with long page requirements, or short answer questions on tests. the whole idea is to get a lot written down so that it looks like its a really good piece of work before its actually read and the reader finds out that you know nothing. well i know a little more than nothing about mariachi but certainly not enough to write a minimum 5 page paper. i could condense what i have written down to a page or two. but i have just passed the five page mark and there is no end in sight. i just have to concentrate on actually making it a good paper as opposed to a good looking paper. time to leave you. i have to go make a good paper.


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