Sunday, September 14, 2008

weekend work

so i went home this weekend to work. man that was a mistake. first off i couldn't party saturday night which was a downer but i also had to wake up at 545 today to be able to work and watch football. i try to start early because the football games start at 1 o'clock and since a golf round takes about four hours i prefer to start before 8am. i was dead tired already because i stayed up late watching college football plus i had gone to the terps/cal game earlier (yeah terps). 
it was 75 degrees at 7am today. thats so hot for that early in the morning. by mid round i probably weighed five pounds less because of the water weight i lost from sweat. i think it got up to around 95 degrees with tons of humidity. since i keep myself in good shape i could handle it; i just had to hydrate a lot later. i only made 60 bucks today it was pathetic and i worked my ass off. but i get 40 from the club so its really 100. i caddied for the father of one of my high school friends which was really weird. 
i finished eighteen holes at eleven and went home so that i could watch the football. unfortunately i ended up taking a three hour nap and missing the whole skins game which according to my dad was incredible. now im back in my dorm about to pass out from this ridiculous heat. im in elkton and there isn't any air conditioning. personally between going the the terps game, travelling, and working today, i didn't have much time to just chill out and do my homework so im about to start that. we need three day weekends and four day weeks. i guess im kind of excited about waking up at seven tomorrow. that gives me two more hours of sleep than i got last night.

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