Saturday, September 27, 2008

pump pump pump it up

in case you haven't noticed im ridiculously ripped. hahaha just kidding. i've always been kind of skinny but three weeks before the end of highschool i decided to get serious about lifting weights. the largest problem that has ever faced me in any sport that requires strenght is that i never had enough of it. i was always a finesse player. the problem was that everytime i tried lifting or working on my strength, i would continue growing and stretch out all the beautiful muscle i had worked so hard to sculpt. i am currently 6 feet and 7 inches tall, and im pretty sure that im done growing, which now has given me the opportunity to grow outwards and not upwards. im only 175 pounds with barely any fat so im really light. i'd like to be 200 pounds, but the weight i put on has got to be muscle. i have been lifting everyother day for around 4 months. i have grown stronger over that period, and i certaintly look bigger, but my weight has only increased a mere 5 pounds. it seems as though i have hit a wall at this point. no matter how hard i work at it, i can't increase the weight i put up in the gym. i feel that this is because im not gaining weight, which i feel is caused be a lack of protein in my diet. i try to consume as much protein as possible but with the ridiculous dining plan its hard to eat the way i would like to, in order to improve my physical situation. so my mission this weekend is to go and buy a gallon of protein powder; the stuff that you can mix in water and drink twice a day or so. its the all natural stuff of course, im not trying to hurt myself with harmful artificial enhancers. thats a NO NO. i feel like for all the hard work i have put in over the last 4 months, i deserve to see some results. im going to break throught that wall really soon, so look out!

see ya at the gun show

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